| Prisons

Prisons face an ever-increasing challenge from criminal organisations and smugglers using drones to deliver contraband to inmates. With minimal skill required to fly a quadcopter drone, it didn't take long for the obvious leap in audacity from specific individuals and criminal groups. It has become such a problem in the UK that in 2017 the government formed a special task force to tackle this issue.

After several months of surveillance, one of the UK's most prevalent gangs were eventually caught and arrested. They had smuggled an estimated £600,000 - £1,000,000 of contraband into three prisons via fifty separate drone flights. Police and prison security staff retrieved cannabis, narcotic spice, and heroin packages, along with many other items, including mobile phones and weapons. In the United States, an inmate even managed to order a 'hit' on a rival gang member via a mobile phone smuggled into him via a drone.

Prison security today is no longer a case of monitoring the perimeter, gates and walls. A clear and accurate picture of its airspace is essential. Fast and effective drone detection is critical in maintaining the highest security standards.

Any sector that requires intelligence on 'air security' can benefit from the LiveLink Air Intelligence System